Welcome to Deeping St Nicholas

At the heart of our school is a commitment to nurturing aspiration, encouraging every child to dream big and strive towards their goals with confidence and determination. Our supportive and inclusive atmosphere ensures that each student feels valued and inspired to achieve their personal best.

Our core values and our 4Rs (Respect and take care of ourselves, Respect and take care of others, Respect and take care of the environment and Respect and take care of our learning) are integrated into every aspect of school life. We believe that these values are essential in developing well-rounded individuals who are not only academically successful but also empathetic, responsible, and reflective members of society.

Our dedicated staff work tirelessly to create a stimulating and supportive learning environment. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that not only focuses on academic excellence but also on the development of essential life skills. From engaging classroom activities to enriching extra-curricular opportunities, we aim to ignite a passion for learning in every child.

We are proud of our strong sense of community and collaboration, where partnerships with parents and carers play a crucial role in supporting student success. Your involvement and engagement are vital, and we welcome your support in making our schools the best they can be.

As you explore our school, you will see the enthusiasm and dedication that defines our community. We are committed to providing an educational experience that prepares our students for the future, equipping them with the skills and confidence to make their dreams a reality.

Mr P Bellamy
Executive Headteacher

I am delighted to welcome you to our school. Our children deserve the best start in life that they can possibly get, and here at Deeping St Nicholas, our team are constantly striving to provide the best learning environment possible. We promote a warm and friendly atmosphere, where a core commitment to academic growth, blends with strong traditions of pursuing excellence in character, and the development of well rounded young people who thrive on challenges and will become our citizens of the future.

Richard Nicholas
Chair of Governors