School council and Eco-Warriors

Eco Council 

Congratulations to the children who have been elected for Eco Council this year. During the Autumn term they will be helping to keep the school environment and the wider community clean and tidy by running a litter pick and encouraging others at school to dispose of their rubbish properly.

They will also be introducing the annual ‘cut your carbon’ campaign in assembly and spreading awareness about how and why this is important. This links nicely to upcoming topics later in the year such as healthy lifestyles and tree planting.  

School Council

We are very excited to welcome this year’s school council members who were elected through the ballot by their peers after presenting their ideas and thoughts in assembly.  

This term the council will be meeting with a local councillor  and finding out about his role and what’s happening in the local area. 

They will also be organising a fund-raising event ‘The Big Breakfast’ which we are all very excited about. There will be more fund-raising opportunities towards the end of the year.  
Later in the year, School council will be looking at cultural diversity and different celebrations from around the world and planning their own event within school to share their learning with their peers. Mental health and well-being will also be a theme that they will be focussing on this year and will be entwined through all the work we are doing together.